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Moses Life & Ministry Summary

The points below
are organized in chronological order. Many of them are also color-coded thematically. For instance, the three white cards are about Moses' fine, humble character and how God had worked in his life in Midian for 40 years to make him that way. Simple instructions on usage are included at the bottom of the worksheet.

MAKING YOUR OWN STUDIES -- with Describe-It-Yourself cards

You can make your own Descriptive Bible Studies using Describe-It-Yourself cards. All you need to do is: 1.) decide what passage(s) you wish to study, 2.) decide whom or what you wish to describe, and then 3.) use a DIY card set to help you describe what or whom you chose.

For More Information,
Click Here to Go to the
Descriptive Studies Page

There are Four Describe-It-Yourself Card Sets to choose from. Two sets, (A) and (B), are shorter to save time. In two sets, (A) and (M), all the cards have blank lines for extra thought stimulation. Over half of the cards in the Pro (P) set have blank lines as well. Beaginners may enjoy the simplicity of the Short List (B) set, but those with time for detailed studies may like the Mid List (M) or Pro List (P) sets. Yet, the best set for most users is Short List (A).

The People at the Red Sea

1.) Why were the people so afraid of the Egyptians in Exodus 14:10? 2.) Why didn't they properly remember the wonders that the Lord had performed earlier in Egypt? 3.) Why did Moses speak to the people about the future rather than just reminding them of the past? 4.) How is knowledge of the God's working in the past different from knowledge of the what he will do in the future? (How are these two also alike?) 5.) What great future event involving Israel and its enemies was the crossing of the Red Sea much like? (How will the Messiah be involved?)

The answers to the above questions can be discovered by going through the four-step worksheet below. A second blank worksheet is included for personal and group use.

Aaron & the golden calf

1.) Why did Aaron make the golden calf despite knowing better (Exodus 32:1-35)? 2.) Why didn't he resist the sinful people? 3.) Why didn't the Lord seem to punish Aaron along with the people? 4.) Why did Moses grind the idol into powder and make the people drink water with it in it? Couldn't it have been disposed of some other way? 5.) Why did Aaron resort to the ridiculous claim that the idol was formed by chance? (How was this like the use of the theory of evolution today?)

The answers to the above questions can be discovered by going through the four-step worksheet below. A second blank worksheet is included for personal and group use.

Family Feud: Mariam & Aaron against Moses

1.) Why did Mariam and Aaron oppose Moses (Numbers 12:1-16)? 2.) Was Moses' Ethiopian wife the only reason? 3.) Why didn't the Lord heal Mariam immediately rather than seven days later? 4.) How were the various problems involved in the incident ultimately overcome?

The answers to the above questions can be discovered by going through the four-step worksheet below. A second blank worksheet is included for personal and group use.

Failure: Striking the Rock Twice

1.) Why did Moses strike the rock twice instead of speaking to it as the Lord had commanded? 2.) Why were the consequences of doing so so dire? 3.) Why did God command a different method to be used with the rock in Numbers chapter 20 from the one in Exodus? 4.) How was Moses' failure eventually overcome?

The answers to the above questions are shown on the four-step worksheet below. A second blank worksheet is included for personal and group use.

Additional Studies are to be added later.

© 2023 by Jon F. Mahar, Hakusan City, Japan