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These six sets help users (especially youth) look beyond the negatives and deficiencies in their present lives and see God.

UNO ® In Counseling

You only have one life. So use your abilities for God. They vary from person to person. Red cards = physical; green cards = wealth; blue cards = mental; yellow cards = social. We win by using our cards for God, not by keeping them.

Life Is Not Fair, but...

Abilities vary greatly with the person. The red cards = physical, green cards = wealth, blue cards = mental, yellow cards = social, We win by using our cards not by keeping. them. God will judge fairly.

PLUS+ Bible Studies

This is a great easy-to-use method. Look for negatives. Look for the positives. Choose the top negative. Choose the top positive. Then make applications.

What is a good idea?

Truly good ideas have four key aspects. Eight examples of good or bad ideas in the Bible are studied. These can be used as counseling tools on decision making and the will of God.

The more __ the better.

More what? Fill in the blank and then discuss your answers. This is a great way to have a lively discussion on what is truly important in life. General principles and personal priorities are both covered. There is a list of possible answers, which can be used for a fun game if desired.

Beyond the Darkness

Ezekiel's ministry to the captives in Babylon was, of course, prophetic, but it was also counseling. The people needed to understand and look beyond their sad present reality to see the future glory of the Lord. We do as well.

© 2022 by Jon F. Mahar, Hakusan City, Japan